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Island mediation service recognised nationally


junkuri laka award
Mornington Island wins ground breaking national award
Minister for Justice, Michael Keenan MP today awarded remote indigenous law firm Junkuri Laka the National Australian Crime and Violence Prevention Award for its Mornington Island Restorative Justice Project. The recipients, Roger Kelly and Dr Berry Zondag, travelled from Australian’s most isolated region to Parliament House, accepting the award on behalf of the Junkuri Laka team.
The Project is one of only a handful of alternative dispute resolution projects working specifically with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. It involves a mediation process that recognises and respects kinship and culture while still meeting the requirements of the criminal justice system. The project demonstrates what communities, with assistance from Government, can do to resolve conflicts.
The Australian Crime and Violence Prevention Awards are a joint initiative of Australian, state and territory governments. The awards are sponsored by the heads of Australian Governments and the Law, Crime and Community Safety Council and are managed by the Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC).
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