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Local Roads & Works


Mornington Shire Council is committed to maintaining a high standard network of sealed, gravel, formed and flat-bladed track roads across our community.

We will achieve this through the following services:

  • maintenance, upgrades and construction works for all sealed & unsealed roads;
  • repair and install footpaths, kerbing, road verges, and drainage;
  • fix and patch potholes and cracks;
  • oversee traffic management plans; and
  • provide traffic advisory & calming actions where and when required.

From time to time the Council is successful in attaining additional funding for Local Roads & Traffic Management through annual Roads to Recovery funding and any Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements which funds which provide vital repairs to roads damaged by cyclones and monsoonal troughs etc.

Do you need to report
damage to a road?

Contact Us

For more information on our Cemetery and Equipment and Plant Hire, contact us today:

Technical Services Administration

Phone: 07 4745 7831
Email: tsadmin@mornington.qld.gov.au