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Boots sent from NSW to support remote children in the Gulf

Smiles lit up the last rays’ of yesterday, when the Thandabi Program’s Wellesley Island Vikings were handed footy boots by Mornington Shire Council during a routine footy training session.
A man, who wishes to remain anonymous, partnered with Mornington Shire Council to collect over 70 pairs of shoes, before sending the boxes all the way from New South Wales!
Council staff said the shoes brought a lot of really big smiles to a lot of little kids faces.
Mornington Shire Council CEO Frank Mills says a local government role in an isolated region can be extremely rewarding and multi-faceted, “and in this instance, this project created a great buzz in the community”.
“So much excitement over a simple pleasure many of us often overlook – to have your own pair of footy boots!”
“Council is pleased to support the Mornington Island Thandabi Program and would like to extend a huge thank you to the individuals involved in our latest shoe project – going to great effort to post boots all the way up to the Gulf Of Carpentaria – it’s just extraordinary.”
For many Gununa (Goo-na-na) children, these boots may be the only pair of shoes they own – as local families would have to fly to Cairns, Queensland, Australia to purchase a pair, or order them online, which can be very costly.
So, as the sun set on Monday afternoon, the Viking’s were able to train and play a game of football in their very own boots (in the remote Wellesley Islands).
And… they will most likely be wearing their boots at home Wednesday night while they cheer on and watch their favourite players during the State of Origin!
‪#‎goqueenslander‬ ‪#‎gotheblues‬ ‪#‎morningtonshirecouncil‬
INTERESTING FACT: Over 330 million pairs of shoes end up in landfill in the UK each year.
sunset footy